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Mark Maynard is an adult person with an
adult job and adult responsibilities. He owns a home and has a
wife. He wears a tie every day. He also has a very dark secret.
Mark Maynard has obsessive compulsive disorder. Essentially, this means that
his mind is always "clicking," always trying to think of
something. Usually, his mind thinks troubling things like, "I
think I might be dying," "I might be going crazy," "my zipper
might be down," or "those people may be laughing at me." Sometimes,
however, he thinks great and wonderful things; the kinds of stuff
that he makes up during sessions with the Monkey Power Trio. When
not singing or working, Mark publishes the magazine Crimewave USA
with his wife, Linette Lao, paints self-portraits, or jots notes
into the notebook he carries with him at all times. Mark thinks a
lot about the battle between good and evil and enjoys eating
hushpuppies. Mark was born in Kentucky. Mark is the CEO of
Pochahontas Swamp Machine Recordings. Mark went to highschool
with Matt, Dan and Mike and met Dave while attending college
in Michigan. There is much, much more, but Mark is tired of
writing this. Mark tires easily.
Mark claims to play exclusively with the MPT but we have