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If you talk bad about country music, it's like saying bad things about my momma. Them's fightin' words. -- Dolly Parton

Ring | Pointer | Pinky | Middle | Thumb
Dan "Deadhand" Richardson is the least influential, most underappreciated and talentless guitar player of the musical underground today. He has developed a playing style which causes the strings of the guitar to vibrate and make sound when a plastic pick, or "plectrum", is dragged across them. His focus on instrumentalism and technique has made him the musical backbone of the band, the power in the trio, the love of the monkey's life. He is the band's hand's ring finger, loyal and true, snuggled tightly between the pinky and middle finger. He is central when the hand makes an OK sign.

During the Cold War, the United States developed an automated second-strike capability. The so-called "deadhand" would push the proverbial button to retaliate for a devastating nuclear first strike by Russia, even if no human hands were around. Dan's guitar playing mirrors this power and pointlessness. It is the opposite of the talented yet boring blues technique of the awful Eric "Slowhand" Clapton.

Mr. Richardson lives in Brooklyn, New York -- the birthplace of the Monkey Power Trio. He is strongly against people wearing sweatpants in public, especially dirty pink sweatpants

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Talk Monkey | Funland | MPT9000 | Media | Reviews

Pochahontas Swamp Machine Recordings P.O. Box 980301 Ypsilanti, MI 48198 USA

Copyright © The Monkey Power Trio. All rights reserved.