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Hear from people whose job required them to listen to an entire album.
So that there will be no misinformed discussion about our street credibility
or our punk integrity, let it be known that The Monkey Power Trio has
already sold out. It was a fluke, but we jumped all over the chance to make
commercial money like the greedy human pigs that we are.

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You see, one day a friend of the band passed an mp3 file of our song, "You Gotta Have Hope"
along to another friend. This second friend happened to be at work at a
prominent advertising agency. He wanted to annoy his hungover boss, so he
turned up the volume of the sloppy guitar, horrible drumming, desperately
screaming vocals and high piercing recorder of "You Gotta Have Hope." The
boss wasn't annoyed. He added the song to a pitch for a Fox Sports Network
promotion. We know that some Marvin Gaye song was also on the list.
Eventually, a Fox Sports Network television commercial featuring The
Monkey Power Trio's almost-song, "You Gotta Have Hope" was aired around the country
for about six-months.